Group Term Life

Attractive compensation and reward packages for your employees

Your business's most important assets are your employees. A well-structured benefits plan is the foundation and core of a successful organization, which plays a crucial role in attracting and maintaining a strong workforce.

As your business grows and prospers, different protection needs emerge. We at Hong Leong Assurance can help you with our range of tailored products, offers you competitive compensation and benefits. Some of our benefits include attractive compensation and reward packages such as:

Basic Plan
1. Death
2. Total & Permanent Disability (TPD)

Supplementary Riders
1. Critical illnesses
2. Partial & Permanent Disability (PPD)
3. Accidental Death (AD)
4. Group Hospitalisation & Surgical (GHS)


All Causes (Natural and Accidental Causes) or Natural Causes only

Total Permanent Disablement (TPD)
All Causes (Natural and Accidental Causes) or Natural Causes only

Advantages of Group Term Life
a) Easy administration; only 1 master policy
b) High protection with low premium
c) Lower premium rate compared to individual policies
d) With Automatic Addition and Deletion clause
e) Simplified underwriting
f) Simplified claim procedures
g) Tax relief/deductible in company's P&L statement
h) Enhance staff retention; improved employees' morale and productivity
i) Improved corporate image by being a caring employer
j) Reduction of employer's administration work by outsourcing it to HLA.

Other Additional Features
a) A compulsory scheme
b) No cash value; a pure protection policy
c) A non-portable policy

Who Can Apply

Usually an employer / company. It also can be an association / union / co-operative.

Eligible Assured Members
All full-time, actively at work and permanent employees of a company.

Minimum Participation
11 assured members

Eligibility Age
Minimum Entry Age : 16 years old
Maximum Entry Age : 60 years old (65 years old for Death benefit only)
Renewable Age: up to 65 years old (up to age 70 years old for
Death benefit only but subject to management's approval on case to case basis)

Coverage Features

24 hours worldwide protection

Basis of Sum Assured
i) Fixed Sum Assured
ii) Based on Monthly Basic Salary : e.g. 24 x BMS or 36 x BMS

Premium Rate
To be determined upon receiving the employee listing with DOB, Gender, Sum Assured & Occupation
(Note: Preferably in Excel format)

Free Cover Limit (FCL)
The FCL shall mean the maximum amount of Sum Assured (SA) which will be covered on any one life WITHOUT evidence of insurability. Once the SA is higher than the FCL, the SA up to the FCL will be automatically accepted and any additional SA in excess of the FCL is subject to be underwritten by completing the Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form.

Acceptance of the additional SA in excess of the FCL is subject to underwriter's approval upon receiving the completion of EOI form. HLA reserve the rights to call for further medical underwriting requirements if any.

a) There must be an Employer-Employee relationship.
b) Waiting Period of 60 days for Critical Illnesses Benefit.
c) Once the employee resigns, the coverage will cease.
d) 'Take Over' Clause - applicable if currently being insured with another insurer.

As per standard policy exclusions

Optional Benefits

Rider 1 Causes
Partial Permanent Disablement (PPD) All Causes (Natural and Accidental Causes) 
or Natural Causes only
Rider 2 Causes
Accidental Death (AD) Accidental Causes only
Rider 3 Basis
36 Critical Illnesses Acceleration (100%, 50%, 25%)
Stand Alone (100%, 50%, 25%)

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