Critical Care Protect

Financial help when a health crisis strikes

Critical Care Protect
Financial help when a health crisis strikes.
Critical Care Protect offers generous benefits for all of the 5 critical conditions:
•    Cancer
•    Heart Attack
•    Stroke
•    Kidney Failure
•    Diabetes Complications.

Premium Payment:   Depending on your plan choice, attained age and sex
Entry Age:   30 days old - 60 years old
Coverage Term:   until 70 years old

Benefits You Can Enjoy:

🗸 You’ll receive a Lump Sum Cash Payment upon diagnosis of Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, Kidney Failure, or Diabetes Complications.
🗸 You’ll also get Monthly Income Assistance for up to 1 year during your recovery from any of the 5 critical conditions, or if you suffer from TPD (prior to attaining age 65) or OAD (after attaining age 65).
🗸 Your family will be taken care of with a Lump Sum Legacy when you’re no longer around.

*Terms & Conditions apply

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