5Senses Hospital Protect

Unique financial protection

5Senses Hospital Protect
Unique financial protection for your 5 senses.
5Senses Hospital Protect offers financial assistance to pay for your surgery and recovery costs after an accident or an illness that affects any of your five senses.

Premium Payment:   Depending on your plan choice and attained age
Entry Age:   20 years old - 54 years old
Coverage Term:   until 70 years old

Benefits You Can Enjoy:

🗸 Receive generous Lump Sum Payments for numerous impairments resulting from accidents or illnesses that require surgery:
5 Senses Coverage Conditions
Vision RM2,500 for specific medical procedures such as cataract or glaucoma surgery, or RM10,000 for total and permanent loss of vision.
Hearing RM2,500 for middle or inner ear treatments involving surgery, or RM10,000 for total and permanent loss of hearing.
Smell RM2,500 for a range of surgeries to your nasal area, including your sinuses.
Taste RM2,500 for throat surgery to your vocal cords and larynx.
Touch up to RM10,000 for surgery to treat a wide range of major and minor burns.
🗸 Receive Daily Hospital Income when you are hospitalised for more than 6 hours, or get Double the daily hospital income if it’s related to your 5 senses.
🗸 You’ll also get a lump sum payment of Compassionate Cash which helps out with the expenses incurred if you’re hospitalised for at least 5 days continuously.
🗸 100% of your total premium paid will be refunded in the event of death.

*Terms & Conditions apply

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