180 CI Care Rider

The ultimate coverage for 170 Critical Illness, Diabetes, Mental Illness and much more!

180 CI Care Rider is the ultimate critical illness protection that offers coverage against all angles of Critical Illness, as well as Ancillary Benefits.

Premium Payment:   Starts from RM 1,200 per year
Entry Age:   30 days old – 70 years old
Pre-Natal: 13th Week of Gestation until Birth
Coverage Term:   up to 100 years old

Benefits You Can Enjoy:

🗸 Comprehensive protection against all angles of the 170 Conditions in multi-stages of critical illnesses, from early, intermediate to advanced stage.
🗸 Even offers Ancillary Benefits such as Angioplasty, Diabetes and Mental Illness.
🗸 With the multi-pay feature, you can claim up to 850% of Sum Assured in totality - 800% as critical illness benefit and an additional 50%  on ancillary benefits.
🗸 You can even claim up to 200% of sum assured for Cancer, Heart Attack or Stroke, with the double protection benefit.

*Terms & Conditions apply

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